Take Captive Every Thought!

4 Response to Take Captive Every Thought!

January 29, 2010 at 12:02 AM

I'm here and staying with you. Thankful for your encouraging words. God is faithful. I have been taking captive my thoughts (obsessing) with Phil 4:6-8..prayer and petition with thanksgiving (praise too). I'm sure not all of you, but isn't it something most women do, obsess about an issue? it can make me crazy. I love Eph 6:10-17 where it describes the one offensive weapon we have, His sword, Gods word. Thank you for reminding me of Gods promises through His word and how much He loves me.
In for the long haul

January 29, 2010 at 10:17 AM

Elisabeth, I look forward to reading your posts every day! Thank you !! I got up this morning with the song,'Great is Thy Faithfulness', ringing through my heart and soul. New mercies I see every morning!! I praise Him!.... I love Isaiah 26:3. When I am 'down',it reminds me where I need to keep my focus, 'steadfast on Him.' The enemy loves for us to focus on the problem and not The Problem Solver....,and he wants us to "drive through life, looking in the rear view mirror", wondering what would have been. Our past is gone, and the future is His.'This is the(new)day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it',Psalm 118:24.

Patsy Calairmont, who is one of my favorites with Women of Faith, wrote these words in her book 'Dancing Bones', stating that we were meant to be "valley girls", because most of our life in spent in valleys. We all have troubles and heattaches. And after being in the Rocky Mountains, I can understand her point. There is NO growth above 12,000 feet! She writes, "From the mountain top, I can see an eagle soar, but in the valley, I can hear a sparrow sing. On the mountain, I can see trees like canopies, but in the valley, I can sit in their shade, and eat of their fruit. On the mountain, I see lakes like small mirrors, but in the valley, I can touch the reflections and laddle the water to my parched lips. On the summit, I see people walking like sticks, but in the valley I can trace a child's face and dab away tears.".... Not a one of us enjoys trials and heartaches, but now I try to understand that by going through these difficult times, my faith will grow stronger as I depend on His leading me through my valley, and my faith becomes stronger as I depend on His Word. Hang on discouraged journey girls, His answer is on the way. He is our Jehovah Jireh, our Provider.

January 29, 2010 at 8:17 PM

Thank you SO much for hanging in there with me! And, yes, women do obsess! LOL!! :) I love you and appreciate you so very much! We will continue to Philippians 4:8 our thoughts together! I am praying for you and miss you! Have a blessed weekend!

January 29, 2010 at 8:20 PM

THANK YOU so much for your encouragement!! I love what you wrote about Patsy Clairemont! She is one of my favorites too! :) I love the illustration about the valley of dry bones! That is awesome! Thank you for your continued prayers. I know His answer is coming soon!! I love and miss you! Praising GOD for answered prayer in your sweet grandson's life this week.

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