Crossing your Jordan

4 Response to Crossing your Jordan

January 20, 2010 at 8:22 PM

I too stand at the waters edge with you Elisabeth
I want to just dive in. I am at a place where all I CAN do is have faith. I know he has something in store for us. He has to because he loves us. Rusty has been at this job so long and has missed so much of the little things in our world. He never gets to go to church, spending time with the kids is minimal holidays and family events are attended always with out him. That is what a 24 hour retail business does for the family. He is such a dedicated employee and he would never leave a job in fear of not being able to provide for his family, but this force out might just be what is in God's plan, because after all he is in charge, right? I have hope in God and I know a better offer is in store for him, enabling him to be with his family more. At home and church. I appreciate your prayers.
I so look forward to your post everyday, the scriptures you pull out makes my soul sing. Christ is working through you to bless so many people and I am so thankful I can call you both friend. I love ya Elisabeth and miss hearing that sweet voice. We are going to get through this valley together. Only our God can move the mountains.

January 21, 2010 at 12:53 PM

Please know that I am right beside you in spirit!I am praying for ya'll daily and I know that God does have a plan! His plan is to "prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11) We will just continue to seek Him with all our hearts (Jeremiah 29:12-13) and I know He will provide! You are such an encouragement to me Vivian, and I praise Jesus for you! Thank you for your sweet words. I miss you too, more than you can imagine! Yes, we will get through this valley & we will be stronger! Praising God in advance for His provision in your situation. LOVE YOU!!

January 22, 2010 at 5:03 PM

This post really spoke to me. One of the areas I have been concentrating on during this journey is to receive clear direction for a ministry I have been praying about for over a year now. Sometimes I've felt like God has said "I have something wonderful I'm going to do, but now is not the time". Then He clearly showed me where I might have been ahead of Him and He clarified the vision for me. Lately, I've been feeling like He is saying "Ok, quit praying about it, I've told you what to do, just do it!" I still don't know the details of how all this is going to work out, but there are some steps that maybe I need to be taking anyway. I love the verse that says God would give Joshua every place to set his foot. I think this scripture helped me to realize that He may be waiting for me to "step to the edge of the water and put my foot in". I'm so passionate about where I feel God is leading. I know for certain it is His will. As I continue on this journey, I'm so excited about how God is going to fill me with His power to be obedient, and to not fear, and to be very courageous! I don't want to miss any of His blessings!

January 25, 2010 at 3:11 PM

I am so excited about this new ministry in your life! I know that the LORD will order your every step and give you clarity and direction. Step out in faith and beleive Him! I know that He is going to continue to use you in amazing ways to further His kingdom.

I love you and appreciate your sweet spirit and your prayers. Thank you for your encouragement! I will continue to pray with you and I look forward to hearing about your next steps!! You are a blessing!

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