Savoring His Presence

10 Response to Savoring His Presence

January 10, 2010 at 10:09 PM

Today has been so awesome. We had 4 people baptized during church this morning and I too have felt his presence today. During Sunday School, Church this morning, Church tonight and my bible study I felt him so near. I have been smiling and wanting to shout from the roof that my God is so loving. I think it is even more amazing that a portion of the sermon this morning was about God our creator and how we should stop and take a moment to look at everything he has created. Most importantly how we need to share with everybody that he created it all just for us. We are all so busy and take everything for granted at times. Take the time tomorrow and praise him as our Creator. Thank you Elisabeth for this journey. Love you.

January 10, 2010 at 10:15 PM

I have been struggling with loneliness and Gods love. This morning at church I had a Godstop as the Pastor preached on 1Corn13, I felt like he is teaching me how to love. He is also blessing me serving in kids ministry. I am amazed with the things He is doing. It is very energizing, exciting..and scary in a good way. Thank you Elisabeth for your encouraging words.

January 10, 2010 at 11:01 PM

That is AWESOME!!! Praise God for how His Spirit is moving! Thank you so much for sharing these encouraging words. I sure love & miss you! Have a great week in the LORD as you continue to savor His presence.

January 10, 2010 at 11:06 PM

I am so happy that the Lord is using you in kids ministry. It is so important to reach children at an early age and teach them about the love of Jesus. You are such a blessing to me. Know that you are LOVED!!! Thank you for sharing your Godstop. I will continue to pray for you as you serve. Love you so much!

January 11, 2010 at 9:15 AM

I am amazed at how God works so beautifully to let us know that He is paying attention and He cares about what we care about. Elisabeth, I have been going back through my Believing God study that you led us in back in 2004, as part of my devotional time. Yesterday morning at church, a youth parent mentioned something to me that convicted me about how urgent it is that we get our high school girls into The Word, right NOW, while we still have them here and can teach them how to love the Word of God. I talked with Jen Brown yesterday and we are starting the Believing God study with high school girls next Sunday at my house. Most of my prayer time yesterday centered on teaching these girls to notice God in their look for the Godstops!! Thank you Lord for this affirmation that you are in this with us.

One other amazing experience my family had on Saturday...we were driving down Rt 168 in the cell phone dead zone section, a man was standing in the road at bottom of a driveway frantically waving his arms, we stopped to see what the problem was... He said, "I was just driving past here and noticed that car halfway up a very steep driveway and it just didn't look right. There is man trapped under that vehicle and I need help to try to free him."
My husband jumped out and went to help while me and my kids drove on down the road to get cell service to call 911. Yes, there was a man trapped. Thankfully, the weight of the car was not on him, it was just the way he was positioned on the hillside, he could not free himself. He had been there for over 3 hours in the 20 degree weather. The man was 90 years old. Together with some other passerbys, the men were able to lift the car and free the gentleman. He was taken to the hospital, treated and released. Praise God for using our family that day!!

January 11, 2010 at 9:34 AM

I was in Target with Elijah and Bella on Saturday. While I was intently trying to find an item for Bella, Elijah was in the cart loudly singing at the top of his lungs, "I have decided to follow Jesus. I have decided to follow Jesus. I have decided to follow Jesus. Don't turn around...don't turn around (his version)." At first I let him sing to his heart's content as it was keeping him busy and Bella entertained so I could get the things on my shopping list. But, then I saw a couple people pass by...and told him to not sing quite so loudly. Then, as I got to thinking about it...why not let the boy sing "I have decided to follow Jesus" at the top of his lungs in Target...there were probably some people there that needed to here it;) And thank you Lord that my little boy isn't ashamed to proclaim his love for You. Oh to have faith and excitement like a child.

January 11, 2010 at 6:56 PM

I too have gone back to my "Believing God" study. I love how God brings me back full circle because he knows I didn't get it the first time. I am believing God is who he says he is(the great I am), God can do what He says He can do (ALL things), I am who God says I am (beloved), I can do all things through Christ (who gives me strength), God's word is alive and active in me (continually praying for wisdom). I did not get to finish this study due to circumstances that came up. I am starting over, "Believing God" to help me through it. I pray for guidance. Our pastor on Sunday preached on "Just going through the motions" If we are not careful we just go through the motions of being a christian. God wants us to be on the journey with him daily, not just Sundays and Wednesdays. Do we sometimes just invite Jesus in then ignore him. Never allowing him to work in our lives thinking we can do it on our own, or do we continue to move toward expanding that relationship. All of our day should be focused on him.
Sometimes in our lives we will be desperate but hopeful, saddened but full of joy, lost but found, blinded but can see, struggling but uplifted. For we have a power source within us and that is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. It is not about trying harder it is about trusting Him more. I so loved this reminder, I need to trust him more.

January 11, 2010 at 11:20 PM

PRAISE GOD for how He worked through your family last Saturday! Thank you so much for sharing this awesome report. I am also SO excited that you and Jen are going to do "Believing God" with the high school girls. I will be praying about your time with them. Thank you for all you do to impress God's Word on the youth! I know that you had such an impact on Andrew's life & I thank you for that! He loves you & Dave so much! (so do I) I love and appreciate you Rhonda!

January 11, 2010 at 11:26 PM

Tell my precious nephew to continue to sing at the top of his lungs for Jesus!! I love it!! I also love his song choice. :) I am praying for you, Jonathan, Elijah & Bella!! You are such a wonderful Mommy & Pastor's wife! I love you so very much. Thank you for sharing! :)

January 11, 2010 at 11:32 PM

Thank you SO much for this reminder!! I am so happy you are doing "Believing God!" It is my all time favorite study. I revisit it often. I will be praying for you as you continue your journey. Thank you also for sharing about Sunday's message. AWESOME!!!Love you so much!

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