Facedown before the LORD

6 Response to Facedown before the LORD

January 23, 2010 at 6:24 PM

Lord I come to you now, not for my needs but for the needs of my sister Elisabeth. She has such a sweet spirit Lord that you gave her. Your daughter in whom you love, is hurting. I pray you heal her wounds Lord, lighten her load and mend her heart. She loves you Lord and is trying to live by your word. She is face down crying to you, I pray you hear her cry. She is at the Jordan waiting for a miracle. Give her the words to share with us daily, though hard when you are in the valley but we know you are the mountain mover and you can make a way. Direct her on this journey Lord, may her paths lead straight to you, guide her along and do not let her stumble, let her know you are there. I know you have great things in store for your servant and pray you show your self mighty. Thank you Jesus for putting her in my life. I love you Lord, thank you for dying on the cross for me. Be with my sister I pray.

January 24, 2010 at 2:46 PM

Oh, Elisabeth, how my hearts aches with yours and how hard it is write with my eyes full of tears. How I wish I could take it all away and turn back the hands of time. How many hours I have spent just imagining what “might have been” and wishing I could stand on a rooftop and shout that it was all “just plain wrong”!!....but all of this would assume that I know better than God. That somehow, I could have a better plan than He does. Instead, I have to choose to believe that “He IS who He says He is!!” He has all this figured out beyond all that I could ever ask or imagine. He has plans to prosper you, and not to harm you. I honestly believe He is about to do amazing things with you, Tom, and Andrew. And, I cannot wait for my ears to tingle when I hear about it!! Oh, how I love you, Elisabeth!! You and your family have had a bigger influence on my life than anyone ever has. You are a living, breathing, example of what it means to Love the Lord with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength. There is no way on earth that I would be sitting in front of a room full of teenage girls encouraging them in “Believing God” if you had not first done that for me!! I love you so much and am praying for a complete and total healing for you and your family. Thank you so much for allowing me to walk this journey with you!!

January 24, 2010 at 7:29 PM

Falling face down at the feet of Jesus is the same thing we have been challenged to do daily in my Beth Moore Psalms of Ascent study. I have learned even in the busyness of our lives, taking time to hear from God is so important. Thank you so much for sharing your heart and allowing God to speak thru you to us. Everything that you have shared applies to my life right now. God has gifted you with power of words, thru your writings and your prayers. You are trully blessed!

January 24, 2010 at 7:54 PM

Thank you so much for your sweet prayer! I love you and I am continuing to pray for you as well. God is working out something great for your family! Hold fast to Him. I love you!!

January 24, 2010 at 8:13 PM

Sweet Rhonda,
You just can't imagine how much I love you! I appreciate you and your family so much!! I praise God that He placed you in my life!! I am humbled by your words. I am nothing without Jesus. I continue to give Him all glory, honor and praise! Thank you so much for your love and encouragement!! I know that God is going to do great things in and through your life! Praying for you and your sweet group of girls! I love you!!

January 24, 2010 at 8:14 PM

Thank you for always encouraging me!! I love and appreciate you so much! I am praying for you in your study. I miss small group with you! Love you!!

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