Let the Journey begin!

21 Response to Let the Journey begin!

January 5, 2010 at 9:43 AM

Just a side note ~ my computer has an issue and I am having to send it in for repair. I will not have my laptop for a few weeks, so I will have to go to the church & use that computer to post. Please be patient with me. :) Just a little bump in the road. . . let's journey on!!

January 5, 2010 at 12:43 PM

Praise report already!!...and God has already this day shown himself active and involved in everything that concerns us.

When I woke up this morning, I picked up my bible to read a little and received a text message from the church that our daily devotion for Life Groups today would be Joshua 1:1-9. When I opened my bible to that passage, I found written in the margin "Last message to our church from Pastor Tom Pelt before moving to Arizona". (love that man's preaching!!)

As I was reading the passage, I got another text concerning Dave's cousin who has been in CAMC since before christmas with pre-eclampsia. The message said "they are taking Jennifer for a c-section now... baby Joshua (named after Jennifer's brother who died in a car wreck about 5 years ago) will be ~9 weeks early but heart rate is dropping. Pray!" As I began to pray for Jennifer and Joshua this passage kept coming to me and I sent to the family that was waiting. Joshua 1:9 ...Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. For wherever you go, the Lord your God will go with you.

Update: Joshua Adam Oliver weighed in at 2.6 lbs, he is in the NICU and will be on a vent until his lungs get stronger but both Mom and baby are doing well!!

Do you think that all of this was just coincidence or is Our Awesome God at work in every detail of our lives??

Praise God!!

January 5, 2010 at 1:08 PM

Your quote of , "I have decided to follow Jesus and I'm not turning back!" is exactly what God is speaking to me about. I just finished spending time with the Lord and reading in Scripture. I am completing a "Life Journal" which takes you through the Bible in a year. Not only am I reading God's Word daily, but I am also journaling observations, applications, and prayers in my journal. Today, I was reading in Luke 5 where Jesus went to Levi and told him to leave everything and follow him. This is something that over the last two days God is really speaking to me about. I keep asking myself the question, "What would my life be like if I gave everything to Him and held onto only Jesus."

I have been in a real dark and lonely place spiritually for quite some time but I know that just within the last couple of days, I am feeling His presence once again. All I want is more of Him!

For the next 40 days, I am giving up watching TV during the day. It's easy for me to turn it on and really it's more just to have some noise. I know that I need to put myself in the place of quiet and stillness so that I can hear His voice, worship Him, and rest in His presence.

Happy Birthday Elisabeth! I am praying for you!

January 5, 2010 at 2:03 PM

Rhonda~ PRAISE GOD!!!!! That is awesome! I will be praying for Dave's cousin & new baby. I love his name!! Definately the work of the Divine!! I must say, little Joshua is going to have a wonderful birth date! :) I love you and you have blessed my heart. Thank you for sharing! To GOD be all the glory, honor & praise!!

January 5, 2010 at 2:05 PM

Thank you Christy!! I appreciate your prayers! Thank you for sharing your heart & how the Holy Spirit is prompting you. This is going to be so amazing!! I love you so very much & I am honored to be sharing in this journey of faith with you!!! :)

January 5, 2010 at 5:55 PM

Well, day one is almost over and can I just say that it was hard!!! I am gave up diet coke and sweets. The diet coke hasn't been that difficult yet, but it is the sweets. I usually have a little piece of chocolate or something after lunch and I didn't realize how much I would be craving it! Then, to make it worse, all of Elijah's Christmas candy is staring at me where ever I go:) So, needless to say, I have prayed and talked with God a lot today! Which is an awesome thing!

It was so hard for me to choose just one scripture to begin memorizing over the next few days....so I have chosen Psalm 51:10 "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." I feel this one meets me where I am at at this time, as I need my spirit to be renewed.

Praying for you too, as I know it has got to be hard not having any diet coke! Love you!

January 5, 2010 at 7:10 PM

I read Psalms 1:1-9 yesterday for our life group study at church. I so see it fitting the way I feel about starting this journey.
"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful, but DELIGHT is in the law of the Lord and in His law he meditates day and night."
As I try to cope with the craziness of the day I find myself wondering about this journey I am on. Will I find favor in my Lord's eyes for what has left my lips in conversation, for what has crossed my mind in idle thought. Have I shown the love of my father to everyone I have come in contact with. Help me oh Lord to see your ways and not mine. I want to be that tree planted by the rivers of water producing good fruit.
One day on this journey and I already feel blessed to be on it with you all, I love the post, some made me laugh, others tugged at my heart strings. Keep them coming we are all in this together. Thanking God for giving Elisabeth such an incrediable servants heart and her willingness to share it with us.
Delighting in Him.

January 5, 2010 at 8:09 PM

I am taking a different turn throughout our 40 day Journey!! Those who know me, know that my negativity at times gets the best of me. Throughout this journey I will set all negativity aside.... because "ABBA, My FATHER" is and has been revealing to me that I am "HIS" Princess, but not only will I set aside my self- negativity, but negative things of this world, "NO Nightly News", "NO secular music", and "NO FACEBOOK" (ouch!) "I appeal to you therefore, brothers (sisters), by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect". (Romans 12:1-2) Okay? What if we don't want this 40 days to end?

January 5, 2010 at 9:08 PM

The next 40 days I am seeking God's direction in my life. My career has came to a point where I have to obtain my master's to continue to teach. Time and finances are an issue right now, so I am praying that God will open wide a door so that I know without a doubt what to do. Please pray for me and his direction for my life right now at this time! I am going to give up chocolate and sitting still. I always want to just sit instead of staying active by exercising! So the next 40 days I am going to look the other direction when I see chocolate and exercise every day! Temptation has already been sat right in front of me with a large plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies that someone gave to us yesterday. It's the first time ever that I have encouraged the kids to eat as many cookies as they would like! Matthew 6:19-21 is the scripture I am focusing on to memorize over the next few days.

January 5, 2010 at 10:05 PM

First of all, let me just say…”Thank you to our Saviour!” Thank You for shining Your light thru a friend like Elisabeth. There are already 35(and counting) great reasons to celebrate with this challenge you have laid upon Elisabeth’s heart.
I have accepted the challenge, but I will admit that I am starting with a very weak heart. I have the want, but not a real desire. Life has stripped me of focus and left me feeling very stale!
I do know the power of our God....i don't doubt what He is able to do in my life. I just need to get myself up to par to allow Him to work.
Please pray for me, and i will do my best to not get lost on this journey! Thank you!!
I guess you could say He already is working...i am here. Things are looing up already =)
"Thank you Elisabeth" for being such an encourager!!

January 6, 2010 at 2:10 PM

It is so wonderful to read each woman's post and literally feel the excitement generating within this group! I'm thrilled that there are so many others who long to grow spiritually together! I've been praying for a while to be a part of a women's group like this, and God has certainly heard and answered my prayers! Elisabeth, thank you immensely for being willing to be used by Him in this capacity and lead us on the journey!

I've been praying about what to fast from the past couple of days. I recently started the Maker's Diet (~1 month ago), and for those of you familiar with the plan, you know that the diet requires a complete renovation of eating habits. So, I was asking God, "What else can I give up?" And it came to me last night. I still drink WAY too much coffee (~1 pot every morning)! So I'm giving up all coffee past 2 cups each day, with the Lord's help.

I was so excited this morning about this, that while praying, the idea came to mind to challenge my Facebook friends as well to digging deeper in God's Word. I prayed as I posted, and prayed after I posted, and am still praying about this. There has been an encouraging response from a number of friends to keep one another accountable to daily reading His Word. The Lord knows I have not always been the best example for Him, and I've prayed fervently for years regarding this matter. But, since Elisabeth posted the scripture in Isaiah, I am doing my best not to focus on the past, but on the "brand-new" that God is working on in my life, as well as all of ours. I look forward to growing with you all, and commit to praying for each lady in this group to grow stronger spiritually than ever before. God bless you all! Journey on! :)

January 6, 2010 at 2:19 PM

Kim, I love Psalm 51:10!! Thank you for sharing and thank you for your prayers!! I love you!

January 6, 2010 at 2:21 PM

Thanks Vivian for reminding us to meditate on God's Word day & night! Delighting in HIM!! Love you!

January 6, 2010 at 2:23 PM

Beth, you are HIS Princess! :) I love where God has led you on this journey. I am praying with you sister!

January 6, 2010 at 2:24 PM

Christy, I am praying with you each day! Stay encouraged!! Love you!

January 6, 2010 at 2:29 PM

Thank you Trisha! Please know that I am here for you & praying for you each day! I was reading 2 Corinthian 12:9-10 & the Lord brought you to mind. In my footnotes it read, "human weakness provides the ideal opportunity for the display of Divine power!" I am praying for your comfort & strength and for the display of His divine power! Love you!

January 6, 2010 at 2:30 PM

Thank you Jewelie! I appreciate you sharing & so thankful that you are on this journey with me! :) Love you!!

January 6, 2010 at 6:57 PM

As I sit down to write my post for the day, I realize that I need this study more than I knew. I have been hurt and discouraged in my Christian walk over the last year or so, but I still know that God is there for me.
And, boy has he spoken loud and clear to me over the past two days. As I drive to school every morning, the radio is always blasting the XM station "The Message" and for the past two mornings the song "He Is" by Mark Schultz has come over the airways.
I truly believe that this is God's way of telling me that no matter how much the enemy attacks me and defeats me at times, HE IS always there for me.
I am giving up Red Meat for the 40 days. Although to some of you this may not seem like a big thing...to me...its HUGE!! I am constantly eating hamburgers!! They are my downfall, so God spoke to me and told me give this up and let me show you that I am here for you and WE will do this together!
Thank you, Elisabeth! I totally needed a reality check!!!

January 7, 2010 at 1:16 PM

I love you so very much and I am so thankful that you have joined me for this journey! I am so blessed by your constant friendship & support. You are such a blessing in my life! I am praying for you and your sweet family each day!! Praise God for what He is doing in and through you!

January 7, 2010 at 2:19 PM

My goal is to apply more of what I learn to my life.There is a big difference between knowledge(knowing the facts) and wisdom(applying the facts to life). Without wisdom, our knowledge is useless. I must learn to live out what I know. I'm a planner and I sometimes struggle with faith for the future when I am clueless to what that is. I read this morning----Fear is evil and perfect love cast out fear. There is no room for fear in the heart in which I dwell. Fear detroys hope. It cannot exist where love or faith is. I know that, I beleive that, why is it such a struggle for me? I feel like I've been working on that for so long. I'm hoping this journey will get me closer to where I need to be.
Thank you for doing this Elizabeth.

January 8, 2010 at 4:10 PM

You are wlcome. I am praying for you and thankful that you are journeying along with me. I am excited to see how God works through your life over the next 40 days!

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