Camping at Gilgal

2 Response to Camping at Gilgal

January 24, 2010 at 1:14 AM

Elisabeth, I too can relate to how you feel, maybe not fully, as our circumstances have not been fully equal. However, I do know what it is like to serve with a pure heart to only be wounded by others who don't see that you are following what the Lord has told you to do. Leadership, I am learning, is so are right, sometimes it can seem too much to bear. I have found that I will never please everyone, therefore, I am going to do my best to keep my eyes on Him and please Him and then I have nothing to fear. I know that the enemy works extra hard against those who are in ministry (from personal experience;)...seeking to destroy whatever area of their life he can, because he knows what can be done for the Kingdom of God through God's servants and he hates that. But, I have to remind myself that He who is in me is greater than the enemy. I will continue to suffer for the sake of Christ..for I pray that one day I will experience such great Joy when HE wraps me in his arms and says, "My daughter, you have been faithful, and with you I am well pleased. Come experience what my Father has for you." Thank you Lord for your grace and mercy that you bestow upon me. Help us as pastor's wives to remain steadfast in you, believing in your truth and love for us and our families. Thank you Lord for rolling away the "reproach" in our lives! You are an awesome God!

I love you Sisi! Praying for you;)

January 24, 2010 at 7:52 PM

Thank you so much for sharing your heart! Thank you also for talking with me the other night. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement! I love you so much and I am believing God for something great on your behalf. God is not finished with you and you are a AWESOME pastor's wife!! Don't listen to the lies of the enemy. Cling to the truth of our Savior!! You are so precious and I am so thankful for you! I love you dearly! I am praying for you too!! :)

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